Friday, 11 May 2012

Exceptions Not A Rule

Thinking further about the previous post, the whole 'shouldn't have to but do have to' theme extends further. When shopping for a (quite scrumpcious I'll have ya know) Sunday roast last week, my friend Marina stated how a magazine editor had once told her the staggering fact that having a black female as their cover photo halves the magazine's sales.

I think the most jarring thing about that statement is not the existence of prevailing racial prejudices, it is the fact that they are widespread to the extent to actually have that sort of effect on such a mass-selling product in such a dominating industry.

In probably our disbelief and wish for this to in fact not be true, we began listing icons we had seen on the front of magazines: our queen and idol of all idols Beyoncé, or elegant and strong First Lady Michelle Obama. But then we stopped ourselves in our tracks. The fact we were listing these 'exceptions' at all said everything about how true it had been. As heroic and valued figures like these are, I can't wait for the day when they're figures in their own right and not viewed in regards of their race. I hate the idea that they are used to prop up the pretence that society is somehow 'over racism' because 'Look! We can't be racist - we all love Beyoncé!'. Just no.

Beyoncé: Sexy AND pregnant?! But how can that be?! I thought all women lost hope of any sex appeal the second they choose children?!?!

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